Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Read This!

Reading is a huge part of becoming a better learner.  It is important that we are always reading something.  What is a book you've read this year that you absolutely loved?  Write a review of the book.  Be sure not to give any spoilers.  Just give enough to make us want to read your book.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Welcome to the Blogging World

Hello Super Bloggers!  We will be using this blog as a way to communicate through technology, access links, complete assignments, and much more.  Technology is a wonderful tool and we are going to use it.  Now, that we have completed the first quarter of your 5th grade year, I want you to reflect on the past 10 weeks.  Answer at least two of the following questions:

  1. What has been your favorite activity of 5th grade so far?  
  2. What is something that you are struggling with this year?
  3. What is something you feel you've already improved on this year?
  4. What do you hope to see happen this year?
As always, be sure to write in complete sentences while paying attention to grammar, mechanics, and spelling.